My housemates and I are going to go as the characters from Where the Wild Things are for Halloween and I'm starting making the costumes. This is the beginning of the first of the four masks. I made the base shape out of clay and covered it in tin foil to refine the shape. Next I will add papier mache and then the mask will be ready to paint. The pictures are not the best, especially with the tin foil, but you can see the beginnings of the face of the monster with the striped fur
i saw your masks on that craft website thing... i was googling wild things costumes, and the costumes you made are absolutely incredible. i want to make my own!
is there any way you could explain more in depth how you made these masks? halloween has always been my favorite holiday, and seriously this is like the best costume ever!
Thank you so much! Yeah - I'd be happy to write up a tutorial.
Really? That'd be great! Thanks! :D
Hi, just wanted to say I've been looking at some of the masks and costumes you made for the Wild Things. I'm an elementary school teacher and am thinking about putting on a small production of Where The Wild Things Are with my students. Your masks and costumes are great, will be reading more to see if I can do something similar with my kiddos.
I think these are absolutely amazing, left me speechless! I linked to it on my facebook account for all my friends to see! Great job. Made a long time Where the Wild Things Are fan proud!
ohmigosh. i cant get over how ridiculously amazing and gorgeous they are!! can you please provide me with a tutorial as well?
Hi Su, you can view my tutorial starting here:
These are so cool. I'm doing a Where the Wild Things are Halloween party for my kids - I wish I had time to make these makes - very cool!
The masks are phenomenal! I was wondering how you made the back of the masks? material and how to keep them on? I know this is such short notice but I'm goin to try and make one before Saturday....thanx for everything!
Hey Kris,
To summarize what I did, I basically made the "back of the skull" out of wire mesh covered in papier mache. I attached the front of the mask to the back by sewing through the two pieces with waxed hemp string. I then got a replacement suspension that goes inside a hard hat (you can get them online or at a local safety equipment company) and sewed that into the top of the mask. If you need more information, shoot me an e-mail and I can send you a picture.
Good luck!
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